Cakes & Desserts & Liqueurs

Various projects at Royal HaskoningDHV


Old code

Various games / projects at Deltares

Older games

Augmented Reality / Graphics


Mixed materials on one site

Persistent Realities is the home to the creativity of Almar Joling (LinkedIn). What you will find here are the projects where I have worked on, which are mostly game related. Yet, you will also find other projects that have a little more creativity in them, such as projects with wood or electronics.

Currently I work at the consultancy/engineering company called Royal HaskoningDHV. There I focus on visualization of large data sets related to maritime and geotechnical projects (ports, marinas, reclamation, ship movement) and create tools for my colleagues to easier work with their large datasets. Next to this I am working on various innovations which ofcourse make use of game technology!

Before, I worked for a long time (~14 years) as a game programmer at a research institute in "delta technology" in The Netherlands, called Deltares. This also explains why there are many of the games featured on this site are games developed by Deltares. These games are all serious games as one of our primary goals is to share knowledge. And I personally think that gamification is a good way to teach people!

The content on this site is very mixed: It can be quite deprecated Visual Basic 6 code, or articles about more recent things such as the RaspberryPi or Unity. The domain of has been up for more than 10 years now, and keeping old code online has always been an important element. One should cherish old code and projects for nostalgic moments wink.

I went from homebrewn, quite outdated, PHP code to the CodeIgniter Framework and a quite modified version of Coppermine Gallery has been used to keep the old album still online. Emoticons are from the old GameProgrammers Wiki, to keep that nostalgic feeling a bit alive! smile