Cakes & Desserts & Liqueurs
Various projects at Royal HaskoningDHV
Polar Vertex
Drawing of the week book
How to turn hundreds of whiteboard drawings in a great looking book.
Modern lamp
How to build your own great looking lamp with wood and easy to get materials.
VouwGrond - Paper craft soil layer visualization
Soil types at almost any location in the Netherlands using paper craft!
MySensors based sensors + dashboards
Introduction to MySensors library & battery powered nodes.
Simple DIY wireless button
How to make a BIG wireless button to trigger anything on your computer, laptop or Rasberry Pi.
DIY dressoir using wood
Candle powered Christmas pyramid
Building a Christmas pyramid (Weihnachtspyramide) with wood.
Construction of a Gloggomobil
Homebuild windmills
DIY Tetrapod plush
Climagon climate paper craft
Internet hardware furniture
Old code
Various games / projects at Deltares
Pompeii - Bike pump controlled game
Om de put (Around the pit)
Levee Patroller
Groen Eiland
Zand verdeler
CPT - game
Port of the Future (Corealis)
Serious game about ports of the future; nature based solutions.
Virtual Reality versions of experimental facilities
CIrcle a tool to support the analysis of domino effects of critical infrastructures.
Sustainable Delta Game
Game which combines 3d graphics, playing cards and a simulation model.
Older games
Augmented Reality / Graphics
Subsoil on a mobile device
My Master thesis: Visualizing and estimating the distance and depth of underground infrastructure.
Real-time visualization of water simulation
Turning calculated water flows into a real-time visualization.
RED - Motion captured animation
Open Data Sources for 3D Data Visualisation
Subsoil on a mobile device
What is below my feet?
My master thesis project at the University of Utrecht was about the visualization of subsoil infrastructure using Augmented Reality on mobile devices. The primary focus was more on the element of perceiving depth and distances. Is it possible to make accurate depth and distance estimations when using augmented reality to display the cables and pipelines under the ground? And are there visual aids that can help one to improve these estimations?
The participants had to measure distance, for example using these circular lines:![Subsoil augmented reality](
But also depth. Can you tell how deep the white circle is under the ground?
Tools used
The entire project was created in Unity in combination with the Qualcomm Vuforia Augmented Reality plugin. This plugin was only used for the camera images, as Vuforia is an image based AR library and not sensor based. The data featured in the app was real infrastructure requested at the Dutch cadastral office. This data, consisting of many lines representing water pipes, gas pipes, telecommunication and electrical wires, etc. was imported in the Unity project and aligned to their Rijksdriehoek (RD) coordinates (the national coordinate system in The Netherlands). RD coordinates are cartesian, just like the UTM projection, and therefore the app also supports UTM coordinates.
The results from the research, where many participantes were invited to perform a series of outdoor experiments, it became clear that judging distance is more accurate than judging (vertical) depth. For both distance and depth three additional visual aids were added in order to improve the accuracy. Most of these worked really well. For more background information please read the thesis.
Download the thesis
You can download a PDF copy of my thesis here: Subsoil on a mobile device (30 MB).