Cakes & Desserts & Liqueurs
Various projects at Royal HaskoningDHV
Polar Vertex
Drawing of the week book
How to turn hundreds of whiteboard drawings in a great looking book.
Modern lamp
How to build your own great looking lamp with wood and easy to get materials.
VouwGrond - Paper craft soil layer visualization
Soil types at almost any location in the Netherlands using paper craft!
MySensors based sensors + dashboards
Introduction to MySensors library & battery powered nodes.
Simple DIY wireless button
How to make a BIG wireless button to trigger anything on your computer, laptop or Rasberry Pi.
DIY dressoir using wood
Candle powered Christmas pyramid
Building a Christmas pyramid (Weihnachtspyramide) with wood.
Construction of a Gloggomobil
Homebuild windmills
DIY Tetrapod plush
Climagon climate paper craft
Internet hardware furniture
Old code
Various games / projects at Deltares
Pompeii - Bike pump controlled game
Om de put (Around the pit)
Levee Patroller
Groen Eiland
Zand verdeler
CPT - game
Port of the Future (Corealis)
Serious game about ports of the future; nature based solutions.
Virtual Reality versions of experimental facilities
CIrcle a tool to support the analysis of domino effects of critical infrastructures.
Sustainable Delta Game
Game which combines 3d graphics, playing cards and a simulation model.
Older games
Augmented Reality / Graphics
Subsoil on a mobile device
My Master thesis: Visualizing and estimating the distance and depth of underground infrastructure.
Real-time visualization of water simulation
Turning calculated water flows into a real-time visualization.
RED - Motion captured animation
Open Data Sources for 3D Data Visualisation
Added some Deltares projects and various Royal HaskoningDHV projects to the site.
Just put the DIY Tetrapod plush download online, for anyone who is interesting in building a funny looking plushy . Check it out here: Tetrapod plush
This site is not exactly bruising with activity, but recently decided to add some new content.
Over the past weeks (and years) I have added various wood working projects - to build a Christmas pyramid, a wooden closet/dressoir, a lamp and a Gloggomobil music instrument!
Next that, you will also find some information how to set up your own sensor network using the MySensors libraries - and also how MySensors was used to build a game with bike pumps as controllers to teach in a fun way what water management means!
Still quite some other things missing, like the wine making and more of the liquor making experiments (especially Nocino!) but that will be at a later point. Site should also be optimized a bit more for mobile reading...
Do you want a wireless button to trigger anything on your computer, laptop or Raspberry Pi? Then there is a very simple way to do this. Check out the new article about the wireless arcade button !
The article about the making of our drawing of the week book has been added!
Added a new liqueur section on the site. A new hobby which is fun, and delicious
Three years have passed again! I once started on a new redesign in 2009, but it never got finished.
But now, on the 10th anniversary of, a new website is finally there!
This site shows a lot of things that I have been working on since 2007 when I started as a professional game developer at the research insitute Deltares.
There is still some content to be uploaded and or editted. Writing pages for the many projects since 2006 has taken quite some time that I actually need to catch up with other things.
I have tried to keep old links intact.
If you have any comments let me know
- Added free downloadable texture packs in the code section
- Updated the projects page
- We have passed the 50000 downloads at the VB game archive!
- A new Unreal Tournament 'DM-SpaceCore' map can be downloaded from the code section.
- The previous UT map named 'CTF-Sponge' has been revised and has become CTF-Sponge][, and can also be downloaded at the code section.
- A test version of SPGallery has been released, which allows you to create custom ShutterPoint albums and galleries. documentation can be found here. Comments can be redirected to the topic at Shutterpoint.
- Last few months some new screenshots of various (old) projects have been added to the Screenshot gallery.
- I've decided to move to this server. (Even despite it's cancel/hold state).
- Last but not least, updated some of the pages to make them more readable.
The two tutorials are about "Crazy Eddie's GUI" and a renderstate manager for DirectX8. A direct link to these tutorials can be found on the "Tutorials page".